Saturday, November 10, 2007

What makes me happy...

When you get home after working for about 10 hours, all you would like to do is to get some rest. But I'd rather spend some time with our little one. She's a bubbly 2 year old daughter. I just want to post some pictures of our happy and wacky times.

Funny huh? My daughter was just a 1 year old on this picture but she already knows how to have a wacky day

Now that she is a year older, she's smarter and bubblier. You can see that she can easily mimick my moves and posing. And if you would only hear her, she can even mirror anybody's words. And she is simply our love and happiness... =)


Len said...

aruu! like mother like daughter.. cutee naman! :)

Minette said...

Syemps namen! hehehe thanks!